Private Medium Reading: Your loved ones in spirit are waiting to connect with you to give you messages from the other side. There is a thin veil between our worlds. Teressa is blessed with a natural gift of being able to communicate with spirit. She uses her sixth sense abilities of clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), claircognizance (clear knowing) and clairsentience (clear feeling). She is able to physically feel in her body, how a spirit passed, sense the personality and see the aura personality colours of the deceased person she is communicating with, she can see some of their physical details and know exactly how that person in spirit is thinking. Gain clarity on specific situations and ask questions, or just see what information comes through. This is a conversational and healing visit with your loved ones on the other side. Let her be the medium to connect you to your loved ones.
Group Medium Reading: Receive messages from loved ones on the other side with the emotional support of friends and family in a group setting. Four to fifteen people are invited to attend each session. Zoom Video calls are used for Group sessions.
Group Medium Reading: Receive messages from loved ones on the other side with the emotional support of friends and family in a group setting. Four to fifteen people are invited to attend each session. Zoom Video calls are used for Group sessions.